First blog entry…YAY! I’m the intern here at Lisa Wolfe Design. This blog will follow me as I experience the crazy real world of design for the first time. I am an interior design student at Iowa State University and have the amazing opportunity to intern with Lisa for the summer! Be sure to tune in every Friday to check out my updated “top five discoveries of the week” list as well as to hear about my most recent exciting experiences as an intern. Having only started a week and a half ago, I have already learned and experienced so much! From inspiring and hectic installs to 6 am trips to the city, I feel as though I can say that I’ve seen it all… almost. Well, until next week at least 😉

The highlight of this week was Tuesday. Lisa and I went to downtown Chicago to visit some clients and to go to… wait for it, wait for it… the MERCHANDISE MART (every prospective and professional interior designer’s Disney world). I think I get more excited to visit the mart than I do for my own birthday. Being only my second time there, I was able to revisit some of my favorite tile shops and to see a few new (to me) furniture vendors. Lisa and I began to explore fabric and furniture options for a major project that I get to help with this summer. Oh, what is this project you ask? It’s a Chicago penthouse redesign; every interior designer’s DREAM! So definitely stay tuned for progress on this redesign!

During some downtime at the mart, Lisa and I came across an Argo tea sampler. But it wasn’t your average green or earlgrey tea; it was a Pina Colada inspired tea… OH WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!! Lisa and I just had to get some. This warm-climate drink was a nice distraction from the days’ chilly 50-degree Chicago weather (what is summer anyways…) Luckily for Argo Tea tea sampler was empty when we passed again, or else we would’ve refilled our cups 😉



The week overall was quite the introduction into the design world. After a great start to my internship, I have gathered my Top Five Discoveries of The Week:

1). IKEA has a self-serve storage warehouse in their basement, that you WILL have to visit at some point and where you WILL have to lug 50+ pound boxes onto a cart…and up 3 flights of stairs.  but if I can do it, so can you! (ps. I don’t know why everyone says IKEA instructions are hard…)

2). Thank goodness for Google maps on my phone because without it, I probably would have never found my way running errands this week. Snaps for Google!

3). Sometimes product research is harder than it seems, but there is always something out there that works, and once you find it, it feels quite rewarding. But you have to listen to the criteria or else its a big waste of time when she makes you go back and do it again!

4). Client Install days are hectic, yet fun. And sometimes you get to play with the kids during downtime. Who knew batman and ninja robin were so much fun! But being the intern, my job was to vacuum every square inch of that space. I learned how to correctly vacuum a pony hide (brush it like hair!) and also how to unwrap a lampshade!


5). My final top five of the week is this   because honestly, I am so lucky to be able to work with Lisa and her clients this summer! I’m already dreading the day when it ends.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Never screw in the finial (the decorative piece at the top of a lamp) with one hand! Always use two hands. If that guy falls, you’re in trouble!

See you next Friday!

Hannah the Intern

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