A little over a year in the making – our Clients have finally moved in to their new home while the renovations continue! This has been such a collaborative process with the Team and the Client. We are very proud of our work as it continues to unfold. A HUGE Shout Out to our awesome Team: Ted Nourie (principal 8-Cubed Architecture), Fergus Bushe (Bushe Development LLC) and our heartfelt Bohemian Client, Mrs G!
MASTER BATHROOM: Client is inspired by Moroccan and old-world elements. The custom screen is the pivotal point of the bathroom, separating the shower from the vanity.

POWDER ROOM: Hand-carved wall counter is just one of the many surprises in this packed powerhouse of a powder room.

KIDS’ BATHROOM: Whimsical, vibrant space with a good-ole retro Chicago subway treatment

This modest little pendant has the shape, but not the color, that the client was going for, so we whipped out the spray cans and VIOLA!

KITCHEN: The work horse of the home. Beautiful mix of stones, wood, metals and colors.

MUD ROOM: Cement tiles and vintage lotus lamp (Thank you, Revision Home Chicago!)

LIVING ROOM: A french country inspired space overstuffed couches and cotton drapes (coming soon – stay tuned!) , nothing formal in this room!

DINING ROOM: A room big enough to serve 20 with two pendants that lend a nautical theme. Check back later – custom ceiling mural in the works!

STAIRCASE: The grand entrance to the second floor with all the original carving – you just want to run your hand over it!

FRONT ENTRY: One of my favorite spaces! Client actually found this wall paper. It is the perfect unexpected way to greet your guests!

DAUGHTER’S ROOM: Extended existing mural with new images – a room fit for fairies and of course, a princess!

SONS’ ROOM: Vibrant orange is the color of the day for this double boys’ bedroom.

HER OFFICE: Our literary doctorate has made this space full of bookcases as her new refuge from the world.

BASEMENT GUEST BATHROOM: From a simple basement concept – it has become a wonderful study of colors, patterns, textures and materials!

BASEMENT: A Work in Progress! Stay tuned for a stone wall, the beautiful wood bar with hand-made tile, honed stone. Special details galore!