From last week…. the two new bathroom names are…. VERSACE and THE BIRDCAGE

Welcome back fellow Interior Design enthusiasts. This was a fun, but hectic week. It was definitely one of the more full weeks I’ve had yet, but hey, the busier we all are, the better, right? The week started off with a hunt for a much needed discontinued faucet (last produced 15 years ago). After a few rather unhelpful phone calls and scraping all edges of the Internet, there wasn’t much luck here at Lisa Wolfe Design. BUT before you have a minor panic attack. All was not lost! During the Quest of the Discontinued Faucet, we ended up coming across a few very similar versions. PHEW!

Once again, Lisa and I made a trip down to the city. I could get used to these little outings to the city 😉 Fully equipped with coffee and breakfast bars, Lisa and I headed out at the wee hours of the morning (5:55 am to be exact). We had two stops at some Client’s houses (and yes one of them was the Penthouse). At our first stop, I got to take a look at the plans for an awesome custom-made closet! Ovi (the handy dandy custom furniture man) is creating these BEAUTIFUL paneled sliding doors. The Laser cut panels will provide privacy to the closet behind which will be fully equipped with storage to the MAX! Can’t wait to see it when its done!

After finishing up with the custom closet meeting, Lisa and I headed out to the Penthouse (WEEE). Quickly, Lisa and I had to change our shoes for we were about to step into a demo site (the time has arrived, fellow friends!) I almost wasn’t able to go in because initially I didn’t have the correct shoes. But right before we left for the day, I realized that I hadn’t completely finished unpacking all my shoes from college, and I had a pair of boots in the back! WHAT A SAVE!

da boots








When inside, Lisa and I felt as though we were in an almost completely different apartment, The Penthouse had been turned inside out. All the carpet was ripped out and there were piles of old cabinetry lining the walls. Gotta love demo day!!! WOOHOO! Lisa and I left our carpet recommendations for the Client to review later. And discovered that the black absolute tile she picked out matched the 30 year old batch!! OH HAPPY DAY!

carpet lyfe

After a long day, Lisa and I had to make a quick stop to grab some food. I’m pretty sure my stomach was eating itself! We went through the drive through at McDonald’s. Fries, Milkshakes, and Diet Cokes were what were on the menu. You know, every now and then, who can resist some good ole fries!


Top Five Discoveries of The Week

1). Organization is KEY! The more organized you are, the better off you are. If things are filed away sloppily then your life will be sloppy. Lisa is incredibly picky about how everything is titled and labeled….nothing gets past her.

2). A busy day makes you forget how hungry you are.  McDonald’s is ok every now and then. The key is that you’ve really gotta just eat it and then forget that you did.

3). If you use grass-cloth wallpaper on your walls, there will always be a seam. But the seam reminds you of the random organic nature of the material and it doesn’t take away from the design.

4). If you are trying to install tile on your own, always start the layout from the door. Either align the seam with the center of the door, or center the whole tile with the door.

5). Make sure your CAD plans are LEGIBLE, ACCURATELY TITLED with the RIGHT DATE. or lisa will make you do them again…then again…then again.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Does your bathroom look dull? Can’t quite figure out what your bathroom is missing? Well there is a quick (and inexpensive) way to spice the space up! You can add frame to your plain glass mirror. offers some nice do-it-yourself frames. All you have to do is pick your frame style, have it delivered to your house and then follow the instructions to assemble. You need to use some muscle!!!! It’s a quick fix and easy to do by yourself.





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